The newspaper Cinco Días has interviewed Juan de Dios Crespo regarding Messi’s contract
The newspaper Cinco Días has interviewed Juan de Dios Crespo regarding Messi’s contract. CincoDias
The newspaper Cinco Días has interviewed Juan de Dios Crespo regarding Messi’s contract. CincoDias
Iusport has published an article by Agustín Amorós and Juan de Dios Crespo on the Real Murcia’s case. iusport
Emily Yu and Mateo Liguori have written an article on the economic changes in Chinese football. ARTICLE
The University of West Indies, CIES and FIFA have invited Juan de Dios Crespo to lecture the 16th of January 2021 on Covid and its consequences in football. University of West Indies · CIES · FIFA
Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo team has written several articles in Football Legal #14, concretely Emily Yu, Agustín Amorós, Nicholas Byrne and Juan de Dios Crespo. FOOTBALL LEGAL #14
The Bahrain Football Association has invited Juan de Dios Crespo to lecture within its program on Sports Law. FA BAHRAIN
Juan de Dios Crespo gave a masterclass at the CEU, on covid and football. ACTUALIDAD CEU
The CBMA, Brazilian Court of Mediation and Arbitration, has nominated Juan de Dios Crespo as one of its arbitrator, in the specialty of sports law.
The Italian magazine of Sports Law RDES has published an article by Alessandro Mosca (co-written) on the legal peculiarity in Italy regarding the football coaches. RDES
Iusport has published an article by Agustín Amorós on a CAS award that confirms the FIFA criteria in restraining itself in the Spanish labour issues. IUSPORT
The French magazine JURISPORT has published an article of Juan de Dios Crespo on the International Transfer of Minors. JURISPORT
Football Legal specialized magazine has published several articles of Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo’s team in his edition number 13. FOOTBALL LEGAL
Juan de Dios Crespo participated as a speaker at the Soccerex digital conference, the 21st of September 2020, on the footballers’ contracts. SOCCEREX
The Chinese magazine Football Magazine interviews Juan de Dios Crespo about the Messi’s case. TOUTIAO
The Impact Lawyers has published an article by Juan de Dios Crespo on the evolution/revolution of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. THE IMPACT LAWYERS