Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo team has written several articles in Football Legal #21

CJEU, 4 October 2024, Case C-650/22, FIFA v. Lassana Diarra by Juan de Dios CRESPO PÉREZ, Giuseppe CASTELLI and Carlos Mariano MORENO CABALLERO Democratizing Football: Norway’s Unique Ownership Model by Juan de Dios CRESPO PÉREZ and Vinusan S. MARKANDU Football States Intrusion: When States and Sovereign Fund Redefine the Rules of the Games by Carlos … Continued

Members of Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Contributed to Football Legal’s Tenth Anniversary

Ruiz-Huerta and Crespo’s legal team members have published articles on the tenth anniversary of Football Legal. The articles published in the twentieth edition of Football Legal are: An Update on the Recent Amendments to the Decreto Crescita and their Consequences by Carlos BADENES TORMO and Yoana YANKOVA The Economic and Legal Challenges of the European … Continued

The RH&C team would like to extend their congratulations to the FEDERACIÓ DE PILOTA VALENCIANA and its President, Vicent Molines

The RH&C team would like to extend their congratulations to the FEDERACIÓ DE PILOTA VALENCIANA and its President, Vicent Molines, for their exceptional presentation of the CaixaBank Professional and regional leagues. We also commend them on their exciting project that aims to unify all Pelota sports, both male and female, under a single sports structure. … Continued